A New Understanding of Health

Insight and Resources into the Art and Leading Edge Science of Emotional, Mental, and Physical Self Healing

This page is only informational until further notice. Workshops are on hold.

Step into a new paradigm shift, a rewrite of basic assumptions, from a focus on the outer world to a cohesive internal perception, which reflects to our bodies and life.

• Discover your internal guidance system.

• Understand the wisdom of meditation and self-awareness.

• Explore mind-body and bio-energy models of health.

• Share personal challenges for experienced insight, turning struggles into opportunities for growth and healing.

• Receive practical knowledge, techniques, and resource materials to achieve loving self care and the support of mainstream and alternative health practitioners that optimize healthy outcomes.


Workshops start with my personal experiences including illnesses, injuries and conditions in nearly every system and location in my body. My healing path accelerated as I gained insight and tools through many mind-body and self-awareness health practitioners and authors.

After achieving greater health than I ever dreamed possible, I realized many people, like myself at first, had not been exposed to these possibilities. And many of us, at first exposure, could not value them or give them the chance they deserved, unable to comprehend the ability to heal in such a way due to training and unquestioned beliefs.

I realized a major paradigm shift is necessary, a complete change of basic assumptions: from a separate, worldly, outside perspective, to an expansive, inclusive, internal awareness, accessed from inside of ourselves, that then reflects to our bodies and life.

I show step by step how one can move from the old perspective to the new one, supported with stories, teachings, and the science world's viewpoints. I respond with insight through this shifted perspective into attendees' personal circumstances. We walk together through many techniques: general, physical, emotional and mentally focused. You walk away with a packet that includes reminders, techniques, lists of books and practitioners, and most importantly, awareness of your own internal guidance. The second day continues into more advanced techniques and discussion. Clothing that allows for comfortable movement is recommended.

Scientists like Robert Lanza, M.D. and his book Biocentrism are confirming the timing of this paradigm shift. Books like Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani and Proof of Heaven by neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, M.D. are on the NY Times bestseller list. The accounts and medical support of their NDE's (near death experiences) and subsequent spontaneous healings have been wonderful confirmations of the realms accessible while we are alive.

Miraculous healing is possible, requiring a completely different perception of health, especially through the lenses of profound love, acceptance, and compassion... first for ourselves. It is not a matter of finding or creating this love, but remembering it is who we truly are. Our allowance or resistance is key, for ourself and others. Trusting and relaxing, our physiological healing mechanisms are allowed to most efficiently perform, as well as gain quantum resources, increasing access to realms of unlimited wellness.

Please contact me with any questions. I look forward to sharing with you!

Prerequisites: an open mind and courageous spirit!



Mija Cameto was raised fourth generation immersed in western surgical medicine, with innate talents for and deeply passionate about the human body since childhood through science, mathematics, anatomy, physiology, artistic expression, movement, bodywork, meditation and consciousness. Decades of personal illnesses, conditions, and injuries left her at the bottom of a very dark hole in her late twenties. This workshop is the culmination of two decades living a synchronistic and guided path further into wellness than she could have ever imagined. It is an honor and a gift to assist others to find their own path.



"I attended Mija's "Self-Healing" class a few months ago …it changed my quality of life …opened my eyes to another way of living, different perspectives, an awareness and openness that I didn't even realize I had. …Thank you for bringing such light into my life." -- March 2014 class attendee, Sacramento, CA

"The amount of material on proof of concept was best I've ever heard…" -- March 2014 class attendee, Placerville, CA



3976 Durock Rd, Suite 106
Shingle Springs, California


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